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Title Humans
Economic sanctions on malware Intel Security
ROSCO: Repository Of Signed COde
Malware classification meets crowd sourcing (sponsor presentation)
WaveAtlas: surfing through the landscape of current malware packers Joan Calvet
Last-minute paper: Duqu 2.0 Win32k exploit analysis Jeong Wook Oh , Elia Florio , Microsoft Corporation
Last-minute paper: Operation Potao Express: analysis of a cyber-espionage toolkit Robert Lipovsky , Anton Cherepanov
Last-minute paper: The mysterious case of Linux.Wifatch
Digital 'Bian Lian' (face changing): the skeleton key malware Michael Cherny , Tal Be'ery , Microsoft Corporation
Last-minute paper: From Asia with love? Smartphones with pre-installed malware
Building a malware lab in the age of Big Data
Cross-platform mobile malware: write once run everywhere
The Volatility Bot-Excavator
POS fraud - trends and counter-actions to mass fraud
Last-minute paper: Anonymizing VPN services as a botnet monetization strategy — analysing the Bunitu botnet
The TAO of .NET and PowerShell malware analysis
It's a file infector... it's ransomware... it's Virlock
I am the Cavalry
Does prevalence matter? Ranking anti-malware products by potential victim impact Holly Stewart , Microsoft Corporation
Ubiquity, security and you - malware, security and the Internet of Things Microsoft Corporation
Operation Safety-Net: global best practices provide a secure path forward
How malware eats cookies - an empirical study of cookies in malware's communication Zhaoyan Xu , Palo Alto Networks
Last-minute paper: We know what you did this summer: Android banking trojan exposing its sins in the cloud Stephan Huber , Siegfried Rasthofer , Fraunhofer SIT , Intel Security
Sizing cybercrime: incidents and accidents, hints and allegations
Speaking Dyreza protocol. Advantages of 'learning' a new language
Effectively testing APT defences
Stego-malware in Google Play. Findings and limitations
SSL man-in-the-middle secure solution Intel Security
Last-minute paper: TurlaSat: The Fault in our Stars
The elephant in the room Marion Marschalek
The Clean Software Alliance, security, and the future of unwanted behaviours Microsoft Corporation
Windows 10 and the anti-malware ecosystem Microsoft Corporation
Dead and buried in their crypts: defeating modern ransomware Gregory Panakkal
Breaking the bank(er): automated configuration data extraction for banking malware
Last-minute paper: Making a dent in Russian mobile banking phishing
The Kobayashi Maru dilemma Andrew Lee , Trend Micro, Inc.
Anonymity is king Trend Micro, Inc.
Will Android trojan, worm or rootkit survive in SEAndroid and containerization?
Android ransomware: turning CryptoLocker into CryptoUnlocker (live demo)
Modelling the network behaviour of malware to block malicious patterns. The Stratosphere Project: a behavioural IPS Sebastian Garcia
Last-minute paper: Linux/Moose endangered or extinct? An update on this atypical embedded Linux botnet Olivier Bilodeau
The ethics and perils of APT research: an unexpected transition into intelligence brokerage
Attack on the drones: security vulnerabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles
C&C-as-a-Service: abusing third-party web services as C&C channels F-Secure
Doing more with less: a study of file-less infection attacks Trend Micro, Inc.
Botnet milking: malware freshly served from the source
Personnel shortage and diversity in IT: Is it truly a problem?
Inside recent FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) surges on the Internet Erik Wu
Solving the (in)security of home networked devices
Helping the helpless: targeted threats to civil society Claudio Guarnieri
Mobile banking fraud via SMS in North America: who's doing it and how
The evolution of ransomware: from CryptoLocker to CryptoWall
Last-minute paper: Exposing Gatekeeper Patrick Wardle
Catching the silent whisper: understanding the Derusbi family tree
A quantitative examination of the current state of corporate security practices Clint Gibler
Labeless - no more
Dare 'DEVIL': beyond your senses with Dex Visualizer
A timeless watch — ransomware on IoT devices Candid Wueest
Lightning talks
DDoS trojan: a malicious concept that conquered the ELF format
The Unbearable Lightness of APTing Yaniv Balmas , Shahar Tal , Check Point Software Technologies