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Friday 2 October 11:00 - 12:30, Small talksNeil Schwartzman (Messaging - Mobile & Malware Anti-Abuse Working Group)We will explore the second iteration of the's collaborative work with the civil law enforcement group the, a plain-language yet resource-intense report on the state of messaging and infrastructure abuse, underscoring pragmatic real-world solutions, and highlighting the recent publication of best practices by and for the hosting & cloud provider community, and an addendum reviewing aspects of online harassment.Originally released in 2012, Operation Safety-Net was revamped and renewed over the course of 18 months and published in June 2015. 90 subject-matter experts from private industry, government and law enforcement agencies, and non-governmental organizations lent their collective knowledge to the effort. OSN is a comprehensive, unbiased report and proposes substantiated best practices in the areas of phishing, DNS, domain & IP abuse, mobile & telephony, and malware & botnets. This talk will review the highlights, and delve a little deeper into areas of specific interest to those in attendance.