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Thursday 1 October 09:00 - 09:30, Red roomPavel Sramek (Avast Software)
Martin Smarda (Avast Software)  download slides (PDF)In the past few years, there has not been a VB conference without a talk about someone hacking the devices they have at home. Be they routers, NAS-es or 'smart' TVs, there is always one thing in common - the vendors ignore the problems and refuse to patch their products.We are developing an automated vulnerability scanner intended to test devices without our code running on them. The intention is to educate users about the misconfigurations and vulnerabilities that are detectable from another device in the network. Integrating such a scanner into consumer AV brings home network security to a new level and increases user awareness of those issues. We will present the technology and the challenges we faced on the way towards accomplishing this goal via maximizing the impact of even the simplest vulnerability scans.A single researcher reporting an issue is simply not enough pressure to affect manufacturers' decisions. But what if we could make millions of users report the problem to their vendors or start replacing their devices with more secure ones?Click here for more details about the conference. 


