Fresh Apples: Researching New Attack Interfaces on iOS and OSX |
HITBSecConf2019 - Amsterdam
Panic on the Streets of Amsterdam: PanicXNU 3.0 |
HITBSecConf2019 - Amsterdam
Hourglass Fuzz: A Quick Bug Hunting Method |
HITBSecConf2019 - Amsterdam
Hey Operator, Where’s Your Crane? Attacking Industrial Remote Controllers |
HITBSecConf2019 - Amsterdam
Attack Vectors in Orbit: The Need for IoT and Satellite Security |
Internet of Food: How IoT Threatens Fields, Farms and Factories |
Bugs so Nice they Patched them Twice! A (Continuing)? Story About Failed Patches |
OffensiveCon 2019
When Machines Can't Talk: Security and Privacy Issues of Machine-to-Machine Data Protocols |
Black Hat Europe 2018
Drill Apple Core: Up and Down - Fuzz Apple Core Component in Kernel and User Mode for Fun and Profit |
Black Hat Europe 2018
Using Machine-Learning to Investigate Web Campaigns at Large |
HITBSecConf2018 – Dubai