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Month Quarter Year
#30 #32 #54
Title Event
Volume of threat: the AV update deployment bottleneck VB2009 Geneva
Here comes the flood/end of the pattern file VB2008 Ottawa
Stormy Weather: a quantitative assessment of the Storm web threat in 2007 VB2008 Ottawa
New approaches to categorising economically-motivated digital threats VB2007 Vienna
Last-minute presentation: Can you trust your DNS? A case study of a large-scale rogue DNS network VB2007 Vienna
Spy-phishing - a new breed of blended threats VB2006 Montreal
Panel discussion: Fighting cybercrime: one size does NOT fit all! VB2006 Montreal
Customer understanding, opinion and expectation - the least understood area of anti-virus VB2003 Toronto
To do or not to do: anti-virus accessories VB2003 Toronto
What's the big idea? VB2002 New Orleans