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Title Humans
Botnet tracking techniques and tools Arbor Networks
SymbOS malware classification problems
Loathing Lupper in Linux CA
Targeted trojan attacks and industrial espionage
Exploiting spammers' tactics of obfuscations for better corporate level spam filtering
Can strong authentication sort out phishing and fraud? Sophos
User education: teaching techniques and learning styles for damage limitation Sophos
A deep look into Symbian threats Symantec
Me code write good - the l33t skillz of the virus writer Symantec
Phishing trojan creation toolkits: an analysis of the technical capabilities and the criminal organizations behind them
AIM for bot coordination
Evolving shell code
Using expert systems for automated analysis systems: advantages and techniques
The inspector: automating the forensic investigation of infected computers
I know what you did last logon: keystroke logging, spyware and privacy Microsoft Corporation
The game goes on: an analysis of modern spam techniques SophosLabs
The myth of user education
Dirty money on the wires: the business models of cyber criminals Fortinet, Inc.
Spam - recognition by methods independent from text content
Analysis and replication of Unix malware
Data exfiltration techniques: how attackers steal your sensitive data
Case: Virus X F-Secure
Panel discussion: Anti-Spyware Coalition - working together to combat spyware Sophos
The (correct) detection of light grey software Kaspersky Lab
Applying collaborative anti-spam techniques to anti-virus
Full potential of dynamic binary translation for AV emulation engine
Panel discussion: Fighting cybercrime: one size does NOT fit all! Trend Micro, Inc.
The Common Malware Enumeration Initiative The MITRE Corporation
Network-centric behavioural malware prevention: spyware and beyond?
Microsoft Antivirus - extortion, expedience or the extinction of the AV industry? ESET
Macintosh OSX binary malware
Real-time multilanguage threat descriptions using an intelligent template system
Malware in the UbiComp world
The challenge of detecting and removing installed threats SophosLabs
Ichthyological anatomy, or a study of phish
Scanning on the wire
Early fraud detection using a hybrid of messaging reputation and web activity
Everything I needed to know about computer security I learned from my dog and a country-western song Symantec
Anti-rootkit safeguards and methods of their bypassing
Behavioural modelling of social engineering based malicious software Microsoft Corporation
Rootkits: risks, issues and prevention
Unattended spam filtering using machine learning: implementation, deployment and lessons
Spy-phishing - a new breed of blended threats Trend Micro, Inc.