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Title Humans
An analysis of real-world effectiveness of reputation-based security Symantec
Last-minute paper: Dialers are back, and this time they're on smartphones! F-Secure
On scanning the Internet or the curse of in-the-cloud URL scanning
Last-minute paper: Unravelling Stuxnet Holly Stewart , Microsoft Corporation
'Want my autograph?': The use and abuse of digital signatures by malware Sophos
Bypassing defences - when old tricks work in Windows 7
Large-scale malware experiments, why, how, and so what? Joan Calvet , Pierre-Marc Bureau , LORIA , ESET
P0isoning the social web Dan Hubbard
Victims of friendly fire
Automated targeted attacks: the new age of cybercrime Kaspersky Lab
Waste management: the current state of sample sharing McAfee
Industry testing and telemetry sharing Tony Lee , Microsoft Corporation
High speed JavaScript malware sandbox
The age of Russian trojan-ransoms Kaspersky Lab
Gaming the gamers: tricks of the trade in the world of PWS warcraft Microsoft Corporation
Threats to the Social Web Facebook
Why your AV solution is ineffective against today's email-borne threats
Cyberterrorism: oh really? Trend Micro, Inc.
Blackhat SEO: abusing Google Trends to serve malware
Standards and policies on packer use Igor Muttik , Sophos
The psychology of spamming Microsoft Corporation
Russian cybercriminals on the move: profiting from mobile malware Kaspersky Lab
The difference between false positives and FALSE POSITIVES
Targeted malware attacks: then and now iSIGHT Partners
Windows 7 impact upon rogue security software iSIGHT Partners
Categorizing the entire web with autonomous system numbers Dan Hubbard
Social engineering trumps a zero-day every time
Challenging conventional wisdom on byte signatures Thomas Dullien , Ero Carrera
Finding rules for heuristic detection of malicious PDFs: with analysis of embedded exploit code Sophos
SMS spam detection by operating on byte-level distributions using Hidden Markov Models
Last-minute paper: Life on stolen land Avast Software
Last-minute paper: Intrusions and inside jobs: lessons from the banking industry
Last-minute paper: The ROP pack Kaspersky Lab
Last-minute paper: Alureon: the first 64-bit rootkit Microsoft Corporation
The Webwail botnet: a reputation-based filter killer Xu , Fortinet, Inc.
Play by the rules? Should AV be enforcing the rules to prevent uncontrolled obfuscation by malware? McAfee
P2P as a corporate persona non grata
Last-minute paper: An indepth look into Stuxnet Symantec
Kisswow: the OnlineGames gang iSIGHT Partners
Sneaky Mac OS X threats
Last-minute paper: Caution: level Pegel. The ideal computer infecting scheme. Kaspersky Lab
Still curious about anti-spam testing? Here's a second opinion
Attacks from the inside...
How much do you cost? The black market price of your digital data Kaspersky Lab
AV testing exposed ESET
Panel discussion: Social networks and computer security
The Skype is no longer the limit - new ways malware keeps in touch with your friends Microsoft Corporation
Observations and lessons learned from comparing point-in-time cleaning against real-time protection Microsoft Corporation
Case study - successes and failures apprehending malware authors
Zero-day malware Igor Muttik , McAfee
The Mariposa effect
Size matters - measuring a botnet operator's pinkie Gunter Ollmann
Experiences in malware binary deobfuscation
Call of the WildList: last orders for WildCore-based testing? Andrew Lee , ESET