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Title Event
LAST-MINUTE PAPER: IEEE Software Taggant System VB2011 Barcelona
LAST-MINUTE PAPER: Cracking Xpaj; code and payload VB2011 Barcelona
GPGPU and threat analysis VB2011 Barcelona
An analysis of real-world effectiveness of reputation-based security VB2010 Vancouver
Last-minute paper: An indepth look into Stuxnet VB2010 Vancouver
Firefox malware, when your browser bites you VB2009 Geneva
Misusing trust: search engines targeted to deliver malware VB2009 Geneva
Last-minute presentation: Human-based computation: how crowd-sourcing can solve some of the trickiest security problems VB2009 Geneva
Last-minute paper reserve: Fragmented distribution attack VB2009 Geneva
Using the wisdom of crowds to address the malware long tail VB2009 Geneva