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#27 #54 #76
Title Event
Pwning "the toughest target": the exploit chain of winning the largest bug bounty in the history of ASR program DEF CON 26
Butterfly Effect and Program Mistake ---- Exploit an "Unexploitable" Chrome Bug 2017 SyScan360 Beijing
Butterfly Effect and Program Mistake- Exploit an Unexploitable Chrome Bug 2017 SyScan360
BadKernel —--- exploit V8 with a typo 2016 SyScan360 Shanghai
Fuzzing Android System Services by Binder Call to Escalate Privilege Black Hat USA 2015
Attacks and Analysis of the Samsung S8 from Mobile PWN2OWN CanSecWest 2018
Pwn a Nexus device with a single vulnerability CanSecWest 2016