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Month Quarter Year
#15 #42 #79
Title Event
Bootkits: past, present & future VB2014 Seattle
Last-minute paper: Back in BlackEnergy: 2014 targeted attacks in the Ukraine and Poland VB2014 Seattle
The evolution of webinjects VB2014 Seattle
Mac hacking: the way to better testing? VB2013 Berlin
Last-minute paper: Hassle with Hesperbot: a new, sophisticated and very active banking trojan VB2013 Berlin
Keynote: Ethics and the AV industry in the age of WikiLeaks VB2013 Berlin
What can Big Data Security learn from the AV industry? (sponsor presentation) VB2013 Berlin
The Real Time Threat List VB2013 Berlin
Daze of whine and neuroses (but testing is FINE) VB2011 Barcelona
LAST-MINUTE PAPER: Modern bootkit trends: bypassing kernel-mode signing policy VB2011 Barcelona