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With the explosion of privacy-related news, there is increasing pressure on security pros to understand the flip side of data protection. This half-day Intensive will feature a full breadth of dialogue on data protection in the information economy as seen through three lenses, each featuring a provocative thought leader setting the stage, followed by industry leaders and attendees discussing ideas and solutions.

Swim at Your Own Risk

In the digital economy there is huge potential to monetize data, so why do we keep drowning in our mistakes? Hear from one of the most highly regarded big data companies. A follow-up conversation on the subject will include Stan Crosley, Indiana University; Jules Polonetsky, Future of Privacy Forum; and Anne Toth, Privacyworks LLC.

Square Peg, Round Hole: Fitting Existing Privacy Laws into Today’s Technology

There are pages and pages of existing privacy laws largely conceived years before our current technology. How do you operationalize these existing laws and make them real? Hear from Michelle Dennedy, CPO of Intel

, on how the information security profession is about to change. A follow-up conversation on the subject will include Mike Hintze, Microsoft and Phil Lee, Field Fisher Waterhouse.
Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Stupid

Privacy risk is not only found in legal compliance. Customer expectations, privacy risk…all can trip up the most risk-adverse companies. So how do you prepare? How do you respond to privacy expectations that have not been formed yet? Hear from Jules Polonetsky, Future of Privacy Forum

, on how to navigate the fickle world of consumer expectations. A follow-up conversation on the subject will include Scott Taylor, HP and Ilana Westerman, Create with Context, Inc.

Also hear from J. Trevor Hughes

, president of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and Sagi Leizerov

, head of data protection for E&Y.