Bypassing Browser Security Policies for Fun and Profit
Rafay Baloch
Hey Your Parcel Looks Bad - Fuzzing and Exploiting Parcel-ization Vulnerabilities in Android
Qidan He
Tencent Keen Security Lab
Automated Dynamic Firmware Analysis at Scale: A Case Study on Embedded Web Interfaces
Andrei Costin
Let's See What's Out There - Mapping the Wireless IoT
Tobias Zillner
I'm Not a Human: Breaking the Google reCAPTCHA
Iasonas Polakis
Suphannee Sivakorn
Columbia University
Devaluing Attack: Disincentivizing Threats Against the Next Billion Devices
Dino Dai Zovi
Break Out of the Truman Show: Active Detection and Escape of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation
Ke Sun
Xiaoning Li
Fortune 500
Intel Corporation
Hacking a Professional Drone
Nils Rodday
Never Trust Your Inputs: Causing 'Catastrophic Physical Consequences' from the Sensor (or How to Fool ADC)
Alexander Bolshev
Marina Krotofil
IOActive, Inc.
Honeywell Cyber Security Lab
su-a-Cyder: Homebrewing Malware for iOS Like a B0$$!
Chilik Tamir
Rapid Radio Reversing
Michael Ossmann
Great Scott Gadgets
The Security Wolf of Wall Street: Fighting Crime with High-Frequency Classification and Natural Language Processing
Thibault Reuille
Jeremiah O'Connor
DSCompromised: A Windows DSC Attack Framework
Ryan Kazanciyan
Matt Hastings
Exploiting Linux and PaX ASLR's Weaknesses on 32-bit and 64-bit Systems
Dr. Hector Marco-Gisbert
Dr. Ismael Ripoll
Polytechnic University of Valencia
A New CVE-2015-0057 Exploit Technology
Yu Wang
FireEye, Inc.
NumChecker: A System Approach for Kernel Rootkit Detection and Identification
Xueyang Wang
Xiaofei Guo
Intel Corporation
Practical New Developments in the BREACH Attack
Dionysios Zindros
Dimitris Karakostas
University of Athens
National Technical University of Athens
The Perl Jam 2: The Camel Strikes Back
Netanel Rubin
Multivariate Solutions to Emerging Passive DNS Challenges
Paul Vixie
Farsight Security Inc.
The Kitchen's Finally Burned Down: DLP Security Bakeoff
Zach Lanier
Kelly Lum
Locknote: Conclusions and Key Takeaways from Black Hat Asia 2016
Jeff Moss
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council
Enterprise Apps: Bypassing the iOS Gatekeeper
Avi Bashan
Ohad Bobrov
Check Point
Incident Response @ Scale - Building a Next Generation SOC
Omer Cohen
CANtact: An Open Tool for Automotive Exploitation
Eric Evenchick
Faraday Future
Automated Detection of Firefox Extension-Reuse Vulnerabilities
Ahmet Buyukkayhan
William Robertson
Northeastern University
Android Commercial Spyware Disease and Medication
Mustafa Saad
PLC-Blaster: A Worm Living Solely in the PLC
Ralf Spenneberg
Maik Brueggemann
Hendrik Schwartke
OpenSource Security Ralf Spenneberg
The Tactical Application Security Program: Getting Stuff Done
Cory Scott
David Cintz