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Title Humans
Totally Spies! Joan Calvet , Marion Marschalek , Paul Rascagnères
Glitching and Side-Channel Analysis for All Colin O’Flynn
Towards Transparent Dynamic Binary Instrumentation using Virtual Machine Introspection Julian Kirsch
Reverse Engineering Windows AFD.sys Steven Vittitoe
Understaning the Microsoft Office Protected-View Sandbox Yong Chuan, Koh
Finish Him! exide
This Time Font hunt you down in 4 bytes Peter Hlavaty , Jihui Lu
"One font vulnerability to rule them all" Mateusz "j00ru" Jurczyk
Attacking and Defending BIOS in 2015 Yuriy Bulygin , Mikhail Gorobets , Andrew Furtak , Oleksandr Bazhaniuk , Alexander Matrosov , Mickey Shkatov
Pandora's Cash Box: The Ghost Under Your POS Nitay Artenstein , Shift Reduce
Hooking Nirvana Alex Ionescu
Building a Better Bluetooth Attack Framework Chris Weedon
Polyglots and Chimeras in Digital Radio Modes Travis Goodspeed , Sergey Bratus
Radare2, building a new IDA Jeffrey Crowell , Julien Voisin
Introducing PCBRE David Carne
Abusing Silent Mitigations Brian Gorenc , Simon Zuckerbraun , Abdul-Aziz Hariri
From Silicon to Compiler Andrew Zonenberg
The M/o/Vfuscator Christopher Domas
'0x3E9 Ways to DIE' Yaniv Balmas
Reversing the Nintendo 64 CIC Mike Ryan , John McMaster , marshallh
Exploiting Out-of-Order-Execution Sophia D'Antoine