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DKOM 3.0: Hiding and Hooking with Windows Extension Hosts INFILTRATE 2019
The Windows Notification Facility: Peeling the Onion of the Most Undocumented Kernel Attack Surface Yet Black Hat USA 2018
Unknown Known DLLs and other Code Integrity Trust Violations RECON MONTREAL 2018
Advancing the State of UEFI Bootkits: Persistence in the Age of PatchGuard and Windows 10 OffensiveCon 2018
Baby’s First Bounty: Lessons from bypassing Arbitrary Code Guard BlueHat v17
Fun with Sam: Inside the Surface Aggregator Module RECON MONTREAL 2017
Helium, Argon & Xenon: The Noble Gases of Windows Containers 2017 SyScan360
Getting Physical with USB Type-C: Windows 10 RAM Forensics and UEFI Attacks RECON BRUSSELS 2017
Gaining Visibility into Linux Binaries on Windows - How to defend and understand WSL BlueHat v16
The Linux Kernel Hidden Inside Windows 10 Black Hat USA 2016