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Title Humans
Hunting for Vulnerabilities in Signal Jean-Philippe Aumasson , Markus Vervier
Remotely Compromising a Modern iOS Device Marco Grassi , Liang Chen
BugID - Automated Bug Analysis
Logic Bug Hunting in Chrome on Android Robert Miller , Georgi Geshev
Be a Binary Rockstar
Keynote: Beset on All Sides: A Realistic Take on Life in the Defensive Trenches
The Shadow Over Android
Cloud Post Exploitation Techniques
802.11 Protocol Chaos Andres Blanco
Sierra Had a Little Lamb
Did I hear a shell popping in your baseband? Ralf-Philipp Weinmann
Forget Enumerating a Network, Hack the SIEM and Win the War
COM in Sixty Seconds! (well minutes more likely) James Forshaw