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Title Event
For the Win: The Art of the Windows Kernel Fuzzing HITBSecConf2019 - Amsterdam
Automated Discovery of Logical Privilege Escalation Bugs in Windows 10 HITBSecConf2019 - Amsterdam
Massive Scale USB Device Driver Fuzz WITHOUT device BlueHat v18
WSL reloaded: let’s try to do better fuzzing BlueHat v18
UbootKit: A Worm Attack for the Bootloader of IoT Devices Black Hat Asia 2018
You didnt see it’s coming? "Dawn of hardened Windows Kernel" BlueHat v16
Attacking Windows by Windows Black Hat Europe 2016
BadTunnel: How Do I Get Big Brother Power? Black Hat USA 2016
Write Once, Pwn Anywhere Black Hat USA 2014
State of Windows Application Security: Shared Libraries CanSecWest 2017