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The late 80's and early 90's played a pivotal role in the forming of the Israeli tech scene as we know it today, producing companies like Checkpoint, Waze, Wix, Mobileye, Viber and billions of dollars in fundraising and exits. The people who would later build that industry were in anywhere from elementary school to high school, and their paths included some of the best hacking stories of the time (certainly in the eyes of the locals). The combination of extremely expensive Internet and international dial system, non-existent legal enforcement and a lagging national phone company could not prevent dozens of hungry-for-knowledge kids from teaching themselves the dark arts of reversing, hacking, cracking, phreaking and even carding. The world looked completely different back then and we have some great stories for you. We will cover the evolution of the many-years-later-to-be-named-Cyber community, including personal stories from nearly all categories. Come listen how the Israeli Cyber "empire" was born, 25 years ago, from the perspectives of 2:401/100 and 2:401/100.1.