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Does your organization want to start Threat Hunting, but you're not sure how to begin? Most people start with collecting ALL THE DATA, but data means nothing if you're not able to analyze it properly. This talk begins with the often overlooked first step of hunt hypothesis generation which can help guide targeted collection and analysis of forensic artifacts. We will demonstrate how to use the MITRE ATTACK Framework and our five-phase Hypothesis Generation Process to develop actionable hunt processes, narrowing the scope of your Hunt operation and avoiding "analysis paralysis." We will then walk through a detailed case study of detecting access token impersonation/manipulation from concept to technical execution by way of the Hypothesis Generation Process. Along the way, we will detail some of the most common access token manipulations in use and detail the defensive detection implications for each of these cases. This comprehensive case study will better arm both attackers and defenders with how to better utilize their toolset to detect or avoid detection of token theft and manipulation.

