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passket is one of famous Korea hackers. He is a mentor of Best of the Best Program and one of advisory committe for Korea National Agents about vulnerability analysis part. Recently, he announced vulnerabilities in Korean stock trading system, robot vaccum cleaner, and other things. He is interested in exploiting, reverse engeeniering, and vulnerability hunting.

Team SNE was made in September, 2014 for SCADA system vulnerability research. Currently, the team is doing research for subway, water supply & drainage, intelligent traffic systems, and many areas of SCADA security in KISA(Korea Information Security Agency) ICSS. Team SNE consists of "BoB" program members. The members are Byeong Yun Chung, Yoon-ho Kim, Hyun-woo Kim, Min-Joon Park, and So-sun Kim.

[Abstract] Nowadays, many attack methodologies against SCADA systems are published on conferences or papers. However, it is a little hard to apply them on real world. So, we will discuss attack scenario and methodology to SCADA systems, focusing on Korea's. Of course, there will be an attack demo in a simulated network.