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SQL Injection has long been a common dangerous vulnerability found in many web applications. But many modern web applications forgo the use of SQL in favor of more modern databases commonly referred to as “NoSQL” databases. These databases don’t just use different storage engines, but also provide different query language. Some of the limitations imposed by the query language make traditional injection attacks less likely. But with different query languages and probably even more importantly different more complex datatypes come new classes of vulnerabilities which in the end can be as dangerous and exploitable as SQL injection. In addition, many of these new databases lack some of the more granular security and access controls developers are accustomed to from traditional SQL databases. In this talk, we will survey popular NoSQL databases to compare different threats an application may be exposed to by using these databases. We will also demonstrate some new attacks that instead of focusing on injection of query language commands take advantage of new complex data types like JSON and how they can be manipulated to bypass application level access controls to access or manipulate data.
