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Despite the ever increasing research efforts on securing Android applications and the high-level system mechanisms, not many works have investigated the security issues of the low-level OS designs, partially due to the belief that the security issues at this level may not differ much from those on Linux. However, we argue that certain Android’s modifications to the Linux design can be at odds with the security mechanisms and thus incur unique threats that are worth immediate attention. We discovered that a system design of Android for speeding up app launches, namely the Zygote process creation model, weakens ASLR because all app processes are created with largely identical memory layouts. We designed both remote and local attacks capable of bypassing the weakened ASLR and executing return-oriented programming on Android. We demonstrated the attacks using real apps, such as Chrome Browser and VLC Player. Further, we designed and implemented Morula, a secure replacement for Zygote. Morula introduces a very small amount of code to Android OS and can be easily adopted by device vendors. Our evaluation shows that, at a sole cost of 13 MB memory usage increase in each running app, Morula allows Android processes to have individually randomized memory layout and even a slightly shorter average launch time, compared to Zygote.