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Karta - a source code assisted binary matching plugin for IDA - Eyal Itkin, Checkpoint Research
"Karta" (Russian for "Map") is a source code assisted binary matching plugin for IDA. The plugin is used to identify open source libraries in a compiled binary, and match their symbols. Our tool automatically matches the symbols for various open-source projects such as: OpenSSL, zlib, libpng, and much more... But it gets even more interesting when you're looking for vulnerabilities. Let's assume you found a 0-day in an open-source project, or even a 1-day you want to use for debugging. Many programs embed open-source projects in their code base and rarely pull the most updated version. Karta helps you look for the vulnerable version of the used open source project inside a closed source software, regardless of its size. Thus, pointing you to the desired vulnerability quickly and with no special effort.