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Maxim Goncharov is a senior security virus analyst in Trend Micro responsible for security consulting to business partners (internal, external), creation of security frameworks, designing technical security architecture, overseeing the build out of an enterprise incident response process, and creation of the enterprise risk management program. He also participated as a speaker in various conferences and training seminars on the topic of cybercrime and related issues (e.g.cyberterrorism, cybersecurity, underground economy, etc. like BlackHat, DeepSec, VB, APWG etc.

[Abstract] Online fraud has long since moved from being a mere hobby to a means for cybercriminals to earn a living. Daily we see lots of activity in social networks, blogs and forums, but this is the part of the internet visible to everyone.
There is another side to the internet however - its criminal underbelly - and here just like on the blogs and forums, communication is key. In this talk we will cover the principles of underground information exchange, ways to secure money/goods in underground transactions and basic cyber hierarchy.
We will also talk about underground products and services. Crypt services, DDoS attacks, Traffic resale, Bulletproof servers, SMS Fraud, Spam services and Credit card Hijack- these will be covered with pricing comparisons shown over the last 2-3 years. We will go through the typical pricing steps of a crimminals attack - from buying software, all the way to monetize the volumes of infected victims.
