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J-PAKE is an efficient password-authenticated key exchange protocol that is included in the OpenSSL library and is currently being used in practice. We present the first proof of security for this protocol in a well-known and accepted model for authenticated key-exchange, that incorporates online and offline password guessing, concurrent sessions, forward secrecy, server compromise, and loss of session keys. This proof relies on the Decision Square Diffie-Hellman assumption, as well as a strong security assumption for the non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs in the protocol (specifically, simulation-sound extractability). We show that the Schnorr proof-of-knowledge protocol, which was recommended for the J-PAKE protocol, satisfies this strong security assumption in a model with algebraic adversaries and random oracles, and extend the full J-PAKE proof of security to this model. Finally, we show that by modifying the recommended labels in the Schnorr protocol used in J-PAKE, we can achieve a security proof for J-PAKE with a tighter security reduction
