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We live in a world of constant change, so why is it the people who obsess about the latest and greatest are often the most resistant to change? Is security incompatible with modern environments in which it serves? On the other hand, just sprinkle some "quantum machine learning blockchain" on all our problems and everything is magically solved. Where is the balance? Relying on traditional gates, complex solutions, and worst case scenarios leave security as the anchor dragging behind the boat instead of the reinforced hull we are supposed to be.

If we are going to be successful, it's going to take a significant upgrade to our mindset applying the right mixture of collaboration, innovation, and technology driven by real risk, not the worst case scenarios we have traditionally prepared for. We can't be the people who work behind the scenes and say "no" to everything. Changing our mindset and approach allows us to adapt along with the pace of business and gives us the right solution for the right situation.