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Yu Pan,Yang Dai and Ye Zhou are members of the Vulpecker Team from Information Security Department of Qihoo 360 Technology Co.Ltd. They are focusing on vulnerability discovery and exploit develpment.They have found a lot of mobile phone vulnerabilities,including Qualcomm,MediaTek,NVIDIA,Samsung,Huawei,XiaoMi,etc.


We are focusing on the Android driver research and found all vendor's vulnerability,including Qualcomm,MediaTek,NVIDIA,Samsung exynos,Huawei Hisi,etc.Not only have we found 60 vulnerabilities,but we also found some attack points which widely existing in Android driver.Some of them have been confirmed by vendors and we have received more than 10 CVE. We offered the advanced fuzzing technique and the experience of auditing source code to discover vulnerabilities.
We will introduce our fuzzing tools and analyse the vulnerability we found
