Fyodor Yarochkin is currently a Senior Threat Researcher at VArmour and a Ph.D. candidate at EE, NTU. His strong technical background combined with his fluency in Russian, English, and Chinese, has allowed him to become a world expert on cyber crime, especially on monetization schemes and the role of digital currencies. An early Snort developer, he frequently speaks at security conferences, including BlackHat US '13 '10 '05, BlackHat Singapore '01, BlackHat HK '01, BlueHat '10, RusCrypto '14, HITCon '14 '13, HoneyCon '14, HITB KL '12, HITB AMS '13, PHDays '14 '13, GroundZero '13, ZeroNights '12 '11, OWASP India '12, Hacklu '12, Nullcon '11, ACAMS APAC '11, SyScan TW '11 '10, OWASP Asia '08 '07, VNSecurity '07, XCon '06 '03, HITB '05 '04, SyScan '05, Bellua '05, Ruxcon '03.
Vladimir Kropotov is an independent security researcher and Monitoring (SOC) team lead at Positive Technologies. His main interests lie in network traffic analysis, incident response, botnet investigations, and cybercrime. He is a frequent speaker at a number of conferences including HITB, CARO, PhDays and ZeroNights.
[Abstract] This talk will walk through several case studies of in the wild reconnaissance activities and explain techniques, tactics and primarily objectives of non intrusive network discovery,particularly prevalent in targeted attacks.