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Attack and defense toolkits in High/Low frequency Shan Haoqi
Xenpwn: Breaking Paravirtualized Devices Felix Wilhelm
OS X El Capitan - Sinking the S/h\IP Stefan Esser
Remote code execution via Java native deserialization David Jorm
Practical SMEP Bypass Techniques Vitaly Nikolenko
Towards a Secure and Measured Travel Laptop Georg Wicherski
Memory Corruption is for Wussies! Pedro Vilaça
Pwning Adobe Reader - Abusing the reader’s embedded XFA engine for reliable Exploitation Sebastian Apelt
Key-value injections here! Ivan Novikov
Windows systems & code signing protection Paul Rascagneres
Virtualization System Vulnerability Discovery Technology Tang Qing Hao
LoRa the Explorer - Attacking and Defending LoRa systems Robert Miller