Dynamic Analysis Kung-Fu with PANDA
Brendan Dolan-Gavitt
Power Analysis and Clock Glitching with the Open-Source ChipWhisperer Platform
Colin O’Flynn
Exploit tips and techniques
William Peteroy
Swamy Gangadhara
SDR Tricks with HackRF
Michael Ossmann
PIN-Point Control for Analyzing Malware
Jason Jones
Apple SMC, The place to be, definitely! (For an implant)
Alex Ionescu
Fuzzing and Patch Analysis: SAGEly Advice
Richard Johnson
Rewriting x86 Binaries
Intel Management Engine Secrets
Igor Skochinsky
Glitching For n00bs
Memory Tracing: Forensic Reverse Engineering
Endre Bangerter
Dominic Fischer
How do I RE object oriented code (and you should too)
Milan Bohacek
Eva Galperin
DRM obfuscation versus auxiliary attacks
Mougey Camille
Francis Gabriel
Reversing on the Edge
Jason Jones
Jasiel Spelman
Exploring the impact of a hard drive backdoor
Jonas Zaddach
Here be Dragons
Josh "m0nk" Thomas
Nathan Keltner
Automatic Reverse Compilation & Semantic Comprehension
Christopher Abad (aempirei)
Static Translation of X86 Instruction Semantics to LLVM With McSema
Artem Dinaburg
Andrew Ruef
Breaking Out of VirtualBox through 3D Acceleration
Francisco Falcon
Andrzej Dereszowski
Reverse Engineering Flash Memory For Fun and Benefit
Matt Oh
Performing Open Heart Surgery on a Furby
Michael Coppola (mncoppola)
Shall we play a game?
Elad Shapira (“Zest”)
Going gets tough: a tale of encounters with novel evasive malware.
Marta Janus
The Making of the Kosher Phone
Assaf Nativ