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Title Humans
Dynamic Analysis Kung-Fu with PANDA Brendan Dolan-Gavitt
Power Analysis and Clock Glitching with the Open-Source ChipWhisperer Platform Colin O’Flynn
Exploit tips and techniques William Peteroy , Swamy Gangadhara
SDR Tricks with HackRF Michael Ossmann
PIN-Point Control for Analyzing Malware Jason Jones
Apple SMC, The place to be, definitely! (For an implant) Alex Ionescu
Fuzzing and Patch Analysis: SAGEly Advice Richard Johnson
Rewriting x86 Binaries Wartortell
Intel Management Engine Secrets Igor Skochinsky
Glitching For n00bs exide
Memory Tracing: Forensic Reverse Engineering Endre Bangerter , Dominic Fischer
How do I RE object oriented code (and you should too) Milan Bohacek
Keynote Eva Galperin
DRM obfuscation versus auxiliary attacks Mougey Camille , Francis Gabriel
Reversing on the Edge Jason Jones , Jasiel Spelman
Exploring the impact of a hard drive backdoor Jonas Zaddach
Here be Dragons Josh "m0nk" Thomas , Nathan Keltner
Automatic Reverse Compilation & Semantic Comprehension Christopher Abad (aempirei)
Static Translation of X86 Instruction Semantics to LLVM With McSema Artem Dinaburg , Andrew Ruef
Breaking Out of VirtualBox through 3D Acceleration Francisco Falcon
FunCap Andrzej Dereszowski
Reverse Engineering Flash Memory For Fun and Benefit Matt Oh
Performing Open Heart Surgery on a Furby Michael Coppola (mncoppola)
Shall we play a game? Elad Shapira (“Zest”)
Going gets tough: a tale of encounters with novel evasive malware. Marta Janus
The Making of the Kosher Phone Assaf Nativ